Monday, April 6, 2009

dang dang dang - HELP with the blog thing please!

Can we make it where it emails me if I get a comment?? Now that I miraculously can receive comments, I have to go search them out! Can't I ask this thing to email me with comments I receive?? Lawyermom - help?? I may need my blog tutorial soon :(


  1. K, Click on Dashboard after you log in, click on the Settings Tab and way at the bottom is Comment Notification Email - put your e-mail in the block. Save the settings and you're done.


  2. What's the secret to getting comments? People say they can't post a comment on mine? :)

  3. WOW! Under there I was able to change several things! Like who can comment! Now anyone can comment, not just bloggers or google whatevers! ROXANNE - follow her directions above, under settings there is a COMMENTS tab, then you can set it up for anyone to comment, email comments to you, etc.
